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Domestic Abuse

Always call 999 if you, or someone you know is in immediate danger.  

What is domestic abuse?

Domestic abuse is any incident of threatening behaviour, violence or abuse (which can take a number of different forms including psychological, physical, sexual, financial or emotional) between adult partners or family members, regardless of gender or sexuality. According to Women’s Aid, one in four women will experience domestic abuse during their lives and sadly, an average of 2 women per week die due to domestic violence. 
Here at Sutton Women’s Centre we are a key provider of domestic abuse support in the London Borough of Sutton and the surrounding area. We offer support to women who have experienced any form of domestic violence. Our domestic violence services include the Freedom Programme ( a support group aimed at survivors of domestic abuse) and counselling. Less obviously, our range of social and creative activities can help women who have experienced domestic abuse to rebuild confidence and self esteem, reduce isolation and make new friends in a relaxed and friendly setting. All of our services are confidential and non-judgemental.

What to do if you are experiencing domestic abuse or are worried about someone else. 

If you have experienced sexual or domestic violence or abuse, the effects can be devastating and long-lasting.  A traumatic event or exposure to long-term abuse can impact on your capability to lead a normal life - both emotionally and socially.   You may be physically hurt, suffering emotional difficulties and feeling overwhelmed.  You may not know who to turn to for support.  You may want to report the crime against you but not know where to start.  In these situations, it's important that you are able to reach out for help, to someone you can trust.
Contact the Freephone 24 hour National Domestic Violence Helpline run by Women’s Aid and Refuge.
0808 2000 247

Speak to us and we can give you the support you and help find out and / or access services that are available locally.
020 8661 1991

Local support...

There are a range of local support services to help you:

Transform Domestic Violence One-Stop-Shop

Wednesdays, 9.30am-11.30am

Sutton Baptist Church, 21 Cheam Road, Sutton, SM1 1SN

Free drop-in service for people experiencing domestic violence in Sutton offering advice and support from a range of professionals (including an Independent Domestic Violence Advocate (IDVA), police, Citizens Advice Bureau and a solicitor). If you are unable or prefer not to attend the One Stop Shop, you can call Transform on 020 8092 7569 for advice and support.

Rape Crisis South London

Phone 0808 802 9999 or email

Rape Crisis are based in Croydon and provide support to women who have survived any form of sexual violence.

Not Alone in Sutton

This website has advice and information, including local services, for women who have, or who are, experiencing domestic abuse.

Women's Aid

If you are worried about someone you know and are unsure what to do Women’s Aid have some really helpful steps you can take and resources including the Survivors Handbook to help and give support.  These can be found here

Modern Slavery

Slavery is an umbrella term for activities involved when one person obtains or holds another person in compelled service.
For more information or help contact the Modern Slavery Helpline on:

08000 121 700
